Battelle Riverfront Park

Battelle Riverfront Park, named in honor of Ohio industrialist Gordon Battelle and funded through the Battelle Memorial Institute, is located on the eastern bank of the Scioto River, across the street from City Hall.


  • 10.48 Acres
  • City of Columbus Firefighters Memorial: Erected in 1958, the eternal flame atop Greek columns honors firefighters who died in the line of duty. A service is conducted at the memorial by the Columbus Division of Fire each year.
  • Freedom: This sculpture was a gift to the City of Columbus from renowned artist Alfred Tibor in 1985. A Holocaust survivor and Columbus resident, Tibor created the sculpture in appreciation of the freedoms and opportunities afforded him after immigrating to the United States in 1957.
  • James W. Barney Pickaweekee Story Grove: Amid the trees, whimsical bronze statues by internationally-renowned sculptor Jack Greaves illustrate the story of Pickaweekee, a Native American boy from a Scioto Valley tribe who embarks on a mythical journey of discovery. Donor plaques line the sidewalk along the grove.
  • Spanish American War Memorial: Presented by the National Auxiliary United Spanish War Veterans at its 34th annual convention in 1937.
  • Their Spirits Circle the Earth: Designed by the children of Columbus, this memorial honors the courage and pioneering spirit of the seven astronauts who perished aboard the Space Shuttle Challenger on January 28, 1986.
  • To Honor the Immigrants: This sculpture of a man, woman and baby, by Columbus sculptor and longtime Capital University fine arts professor Gary Ross, was commissioned by the Columbus Italian Club in 1992.
  • Workers Memorial: A joint effort of the Columbus-Franklin County AFL-CIO, the Buckeye Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects and the City of Columbus, Workers Memorial honors Franklin County workers who have died on the job since 1992.
  • Following an extensive renovation in 2015 as part of the larger Scioto Greenways project, the memorial park now features expanded multi-purpose trails and river access for small, hand-powered watercraft.

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25 Marconi Blvd.
Columbus, OH 43215


7 a.m.–11 p.m.


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